
Adopted 8-28-2024

Basic Information

Name: Zoey

Breed: Pit/Heeler

Weight: 50 lbs

Age: 5 years

Gender: Female

Altered/Intact: Spayed


Vaccinations: Up to date

Heartworm: Negative

Heartworm Preventative: Yes

Flea/Tick Preventative: Yes

Allergies: None

Current Diet: Purina One Chicken and Rice

Grooming: Low Maintenance


Social Ability


Energy Level: Low

Good with dogs: Can be dog selective. Does not like high energy or chaos caused by other dogs. Can react.

Good with cats: Good with dog savvy cats. May chase cats not familiar with dogs.

Good with kids: Great with all ages

Good with strangers: Great with all ages




House trained: Yes

Crate trained: Yes

Leash Trained: Yes

Training complete with trainers: 10 lessons with previous owner and currently foster board and train.

Obedience Cues


  • Come

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Place

  • Leave it

  • Drop it

  • Fetch

  • “In”/”Bed” (crate)

  • “Lets go” (inside)

  • “With me” (loose leash walking)

  • Muzzle trained

Needs work on:

  • Just needs to adjust to her perfect home

Important notes about this dog

Zoey is not dog aggressive however she would do best in a single dog household where she can be the center of attention. She has previously lived with dogs and is great 90% of the time but during moments of high energy/chaos in the house she can inappropriately correct/redirect onto other dogs. She is extremely polite and neutral in public, is not aggressive towards strange dogs but should not be allowed to interact with unknown dogs.

Ideal Home

What type of home would be best for this individual dog:

Zoey is an extremely easy going dog. She is happy to stay inside, cuddle on the couch, floor or bed, all day and doesn’t desire a whole lot of physical activity. Her ideal person is someone who LOVES to cuddle and take things day by day. Does great on walks and outings, enjoys trail walks, but is very happy to just exist with her humans. She loves children and would make a great family dog, apartment dog, or even a great dog for an active senior citizen who just needs a calm, polite buddy to spend slow walks and relaxing days with.


Included in Adoption

This dog goes to its new home with:

  • Her next 3 months of preventatived

  • next 3 months of food

  • Small bag of favorite treats

  • Crate

  • Assorted toys/chews

  • Leash/Collar

  • If placed in Volusia County adoption will include 5 in home lessons with new family to ensure a seamless adjustment and to ensure training transfers to new owners well.

Adoption Fee:

Waived: FREE

Zoey’s adoption fee has been paid for by her previous family.

Why we accept donations for the care of these fosters:

We try to keep adoption fees reasonable but often these dogs are within out care for months at a time. We do this out of our own pockets, and make sure to find an appropriate home for the dogs we choose to foster. That means that all their care, food, treats, supplies, etc come out of pocket. In order to continue being able to help other dogs in need, donations and adoption fees help us to recoup a small portion of the time, energy and money put into each dog.