Our goal is to build a happy, healthy relationship between a dog and their human.

Our Method

With a background in various methodologies and a tool box of skills that continues to grow, our Dog Trainers work with dog owners to develop personalized training programs to meet their goals. Treating each dog as the individual they are, we look at their energy level, breed characteristics, known history and what the owner’s have already tried. We then look at the human end of the leash: their lifestyle, energy level, what their goals are and what they have already tried.


Our goal is to guide owners and their dogs to having a strong, healthy relationship where both needs are being met while building toward reaching goals together. We strive to provide not only the training, but the support, that many owners and their dogs need during their training journey. We want you and your dog to succeed for years to come.


All of our training is designed to create clear communication between humans and their canine companions; bridging the communication barriers and building stronger relationships. We teach clear boundaries, create a positive foundation of obedience and reinforce the desired behaviors the provide appropriate meaningful feedback to help proof the behaviors/cues and eliminate unwanted behaviors. We use what works best for the dog, allowing the dog to tell us what are meaningful rewards and corrections for them as an individual rather than using a cookie cutter method where all dogs are trained exactly the same.