
Adopted 08-31-2024

Basic Information

Name: Tucker

Breed: Poodle mix

Weight: 15 lbs

Age: 1 year

Gender: Male

Altered/Intact: Intact


Vaccinations: Up to date

Heartworm: Negative

Heartworm Preventative: Simperica Trio

Flea/Tick Preventative: Simperica Trio

Allergies: None

Current Diet: Fromm Grain Free (Flavor rotated)

Grooming: requires grooming every 6-8 weeks depending on haircut and daily brushing.


Social Ability


Energy Level: High

Good with dogs: Great but can be pushy if left unmonitored

Good with cats: Okay but wants to play and may be too pushy for most cats

Good with kids: Can be nervous with children but not aggressive

Good with strangers: Great with adults of all ages




House trained: Yes

Crate trained: Yes

Leash Trained: Yes

Training complete with trainers: 5 lessons with previous owner and currently foster board and train.

Obedience Cues


  •  Come

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Place

  • Leave it

  • Drop it

  • Fetch

  • “In”/”Bed” (crate)

  • “Lets go” (inside)

  • “With me” (loose leash walking)

Needs work on:

  •  Socialization around children (sometimes barks at children but its a nervous excitement)

Important notes about this dog

Tucker is a HIGH energy dog and can become loud (demand bark) and destructive when his physical and mental needs are not met. This is not a couch potato or lap dog, but if his needs are met he is a great cuddler with no issue hanging out.

This is not a lap dog or a dog that enjoys being carried around. He tolerates being picked up but does not enjoy it. He is a big dog in a little dog body, without the small dog complex.

Ideal Home

Why type of home would be best for this individual dog:

Tucker would do best in an active household. Despite his size he is a HIGH energy dog who needs an active lifestyle with daily mental stimulation. Would be a great jogging, hiking partner or trick dog. Can go all day long without stopping, and not only keeps up but can outlast a lot of larger dogs.

He loves to play, and loves to learn new things. Would excess at getting his Trick Dog Title with some consistent training, and loves showing off his tricks when he understands them. He is extremely affectionate with people he knows.

If you want big dog energy but can’t have a big dog, this is the perfect small dog for you!


Included in Adoption

This dog goes to its new home with:

  • His next dose of Simpirica Trio

  • 4 lb bag of Fromm dog food

  • Small bag of favorite treats

  • Crate

  • Dog Bed

  • Assorted toys/chews

  • Leash/Collar

  • If placed in Volusia County adoption will include 5 in home lessons with new family to ensure a seamless adjustment and to ensure training transfers to new owners well.

Adoption Fee:


If you would like to donate to his care, help reduce the adoption fee, please email us.

Why we accept donations for the care of these fosters:

We try to keep adoption fees reasonable but often these dogs are within our care for months at a time. We do this out of our own pockets, and make sure to find an appropriate home for the dogs we choose to foster. That means that all their care, food, treats, supplies, etc come out of pocket. In order to continue being able to help other dogs in need, donations and adoption fees help us to recoup a small portion of the time, energy and money put into each dog.